
“Soft Skills get little respect but they will make or break your career.”  

“对不起, 山姆, but we’re going to have to let you go” the manager says to you once you’ve entered the conference room. 

“但是为什么?你会问. “我是你们最好的焊工之一!” 

“没错,”经理回答. “但事实是,你并不可靠. 你经常迟到, and a couple times you didn’t even call until just before your shift started that you weren’t going to make it in. 在团队会议期间, 你要么什么都不贡献, 或者你否定别人的建议和想法. 和, when we needed to adjust the schedules when Bob was out because of his surgery, everyone else was flexible and willing to pick up the slack … everyone but you. 你说得对,你是个很好的焊工. 但我们需要的不仅仅是一个熟练的焊工. 我们需要一个有团队精神的人.”

This scenario has played out countless times in businesses all across America. Employers today talk about the importance of team culture in the workplace and the increasing need for their people to have employable skills, 那些不仅仅是技术上的. 事实上,根据SMB World的一项调查, nearly 72% of CEOs believe that soft skills are more important to the success of their business than hard skills. 那么,什么是就业能力(或软技能)呢? 为什么它们如此重要? 点击下面的方框了解更多信息:

There are two types of skill sets that are required to do most jobs. The ones that usually come to mind first are called Technical (or Hard) Skills. 这些都是具体的, job-specific skills which require varying degrees of expertise and they usually have been developed through experience or some amount of study and training. 无论是给一栋大楼布线, 为企业准备税款, 或者做手术, you can only do these things if you’ve been properly trained or have studied it long enough. 

另一组有几个不同的名称:软技能, 就业技能, 生活技能和更多. They are considered transferable skills; that is, 这些技能可以在任何工作环境中使用, 无论所需的技术技能如何. 这就是为什么现在学习这些技能, 还在上学的时候, 能帮助你为未来的职业生涯做好准备吗, 不管你选择什么类型的工作.


Interestingly, there is no such thing as a “set list” of employability skills. Do a search of the top employability or soft skills and you’ll likely get a few different skills on your list every time. Even still, you’ll usually find the same core skill sets brought up time and again. 因此,虽然每个列表中的一些可能有所不同, 有几种有不同的名字, here are 8 of the most commonly mentioned “critical” skills:

  1. 团队合作(.k.a. 协作) - involves two or more people working together to complete a shared goal or task. Each person contributing to the whole for the good of the group 
  2. 沟通 -我们互动的方式和, 更多的技术, share information with others; making sure all parties are “on the same page.” Presented in a variety of formats from the written word to speaking effectively, 从积极倾听技巧到非语言暗示
  3. 适应性(.k.a. 灵活性) -表现成熟, poise and restraint when having to adjust to new or different conditions; Effectively coping with pressure, 压力, 批评, 挫折, 等.
  4. 创造力(.ka. 创新) - the ability to generate new and imaginative ideas, processes, products, 等.; “outside-of-the-box” thinking that produces different results than before
  5. 解决问题 & 批判性思维(a).k.a. 推理或决策) -识别问题的能力, analyze it and work through possible scenarios to find a potential solution
  6. 时间管理 - the process of organizing and prioritizing how to best use time effectively; begins with attendance and punctuality, 还包括适当地处理各种任务 & 及时完成最后期限
  7. 积极主动(a).k.a. 自主性) - seeing a need and doing it without being told to do so; the desire to act or go “above and beyond” what is expected or required; internal motivation
  8. 可靠性(.k.a. 可靠性) - the quality one demonstrates that they can be consistently trusted or counted upon. 这种特性通常是经过一段时间形成的

Employers say that they are more concerned with the level of 就业技能 employees have than ever before. They argue that certain technical skills can be taught more easily than soft or employability skills and that today’s employees are found to be more and more lacking in these skills. Yet, it’s these very skills that can make or break a team or even a company’s culture.

Businesses have gradually begun to shift in placing more and more value on culture and community in the workplace, attributes that are defined by such 就业技能 as Teamwork, 沟通, 完整性, 和问责制. They have found that people who can effectively demonstrate these skills tend to be happier with their work, have good working relationships and feel valued by others are more productive and tend to stay with the company longer. This is why companies are placing a higher priority on such skills. 技术技能已经不够了. As one employer put it, “We don’t want any brilliant jerks working here.”

当老师或家长说, “You need to be more responsible” but doesn’t explain to you how to improve that skill. Keep in mind that while some soft skills may come more naturally than others due to personality traits and habits, 和任何技能组合一样, 培养这些技能需要时间和努力. Below are a few suggestions for how you can improve any of these critical skills:

  • 寻求帮助 - Have friends/family point out skills of strength they see in you. 问他们具体的例子. 就自己的弱点和改进方法征求反馈. 想要学习一项特殊的技能? 让他们和你一起角色扮演来帮助练习. 
  • 自省 -哪些就业技能是你的优势? 弱点领域? What behaviors or external things are getting in the way of you improving your skill set? Be honest with yourself and make a plan for what you want to achieve. 
  • 拥抱的机会 - Recognize when life situations present you an opportunity to work on a skill and welcome it. 例如:与朋友发生冲突? 这是一个锻炼你沟通技巧的机会. 挣扎着筹钱买你想要的东西? 培养解决问题的能力,找到解决方案.
  • 从错误中吸取教训 -有时候你会搞砸. It’s OK; give yourself a pass. 但是请记住, 所以下次你遇到类似的情况时, 你可以用不同的方式处理. Plus, you’ll have a story to tell during your interview about how you grew from the experience!
  • 循序渐进 -有很多就业技能. 不要试图一下子掌握它们. 这只会适得其反,让你放弃. 一次找一到两个真正集中精力去做. 记住,你永远不可能掌握这些技能. 一切都是关于增长.

注意: When applying for jobs that call out certain soft skills they are looking for, be sure to include these on your resume if they are areas of strength for you. If possible, briefly give an example or two of how you’ve demonstrated this skill. 


Eric Kelliher


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